If you are new to writing workers’ compensation (WC), we’ve got you. Omega will help you understand what you need to know in order to help your prospective clients get the WC they are seeking. Below are some common mistakes that we see on WC submissions:
No FEIN: This is a top mistake many agents and CSRs make. Nearly all WC carriers use the client’s FEIN or if sole proprietor their social security number (SSN) to reserve the market. Therefore, this tax id is required with all new WC submissions. For new ventures, many times the client will already know their FEIN even if it is not publicly posted yet.
No WC Class Code: For inexperienced agents/CSRs, the WC class code is often left blank. Since you are the one in direct contact withthe client, it is important for you to obtain this information. Call NCCI for advice: 1-800-NCCI-123. Please note: The WC class codes are different than NAIC codes.
Description of Operations: Even when we have the correct WC class code, we do not know exactly what the nature of operations is without some kind of detailed description. What do employees do?
Officer Information: The WC ACORD is confusing on officer information. This information needs to be listed on the section INDIVIDUALS INCLUDED /EXCLUDED. That section is strictly forowners, officers, sole proprietors and partners, never employees. Please note, this section asks for date ofbirth and SSN, you can skip those.
Addresses: We must have a physical address for each location. If the risk is multistate, we must have a physical address for each state. The class codes, # of employees and total payroll should be separated on RATING INFORMATION section.
General Information: This is the section on the WC ACORD with many yes/no questions. Each question should be answered. Please note, for all yes answers, the remarks section below the questions should have a corresponding reason for the yes response.
Supplementals: Supplemental applications are most helpful in underwriting a risk. Check the applications page on our website to choose the corresponding supplemental to use. For all construction risks, this is required to bind. Having it in advance is most helpful. In general, for construction classes, we always need to know the max height worked and % of subs (1099) v. employees(W2) used.
ACORDs: You can review our Tips for submitted WC business.